Orbital Studios Unveils Groundbreaking Collaboration with Dell Technologies and NVIDIA for Virtual Production Advancements

December 18, 2023

LOS ANGELES, CA - Orbital Studios is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with industry giants Dell Technologies and NVIDIA. This collaboration is set to revolutionize our virtual production capabilities, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation within the realms of digital content creation.

State-of-the-Art Hardware Integration

A significant milestone in this collaboration is the acquisition of the state-of-the-art Dell Precision 7960 Towers. These powerhouse systems boast (4) Ada-gen RTX 6000 GPUs and an impressive 512GB of RAM, delivering unparalleled performance. This remarkable hardware forms the backbone of our creative process, seamlessly integrating into our Trajectory™ workflow.

Enhanced Creative Freedom

The incorporation of these powerful systems has proven to be a game-changer for our team, enabling artists like Neville Page (Watchmen, Star Trek, TRON: Legacy, Avatar) to transcend traditional boundaries in the creation of his latest series, Museum of Wonder.

Future Demonstrations

The Orbital Studios team is excited to push these advanced systems to their limits. Anticipate a firsthand look at the groundbreaking possibilities unlocked by Dell and NVIDIA at upcoming events such as NVIDIA GTC 2024 and NAB 2024. These showcases will highlight the transformative impact of our collaboration on the landscape of virtual production.

Get in Touch

Discover how virtual production can elevate your next project. Reach out for a creative consultation: info@orbitalvs.com

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